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  • Writer's pictureLondin Angel Winters

Thought Spam

Recently, I’ve noticed that I have been bombarded with a ton of emails.  I have received numerous messages from people I don’t know with ‘trying to reach you’ in the subject line.

Other emails have been from marketers promising that I will drop 30 pounds in 30 days if I try their patented, one-of-a-kind breakthrough weight loss formula.

I can’t even count the number of emails I’ve received from the First National Bank of Scams advising me of yet another critical, time-sensitive issue with my non-existent credit account.

📷It seems that everyone is battling for a coveted spot in the sacred place called My Inbox.

While they are struggling to get in, I’ve found myself fighting just as vigilantly to keep them out!

For some reason, an inbox packed with unread messages stresses me out. In the recent weeks, I’ve done my best to keep my inbox clutter-free by doing a few simple things: Filtering, blocking, deleting and unsubscribing!

Say it with me…filter, block, delete, unsubscribe!

By doing these four simple things, my inbox has been a bit lighter and I’ve noticed that my overall mood has improved.

As I thought about my inbox and how I was able to eliminate a plethora of unwanted messages, I considered my mental space and all of the messages that enter my mind on a daily basis. While you, too, have the option to filter, block, delete and unsubscribe from email, it is in this same way that you have the power to guard your thoughts (Proverbs 4:23).

Thought Protection


While it takes work to control the thoughts that enter our minds, we do have God-given thought filters available to us.

God’s standard for what we should be thinking is found in his word in Philippians 4:8.  Turn on your thought filter by asking yourself:

Is it true?Is it honorable and worthy of respect?Is it right and confirmed by God’s word?Is it pure and wholesome?Does it bring peace?Is it admirable?Is it excellent and worthy of praise?

These are the things we should think about. If our thoughts don’t pass the test, it’s time to make a wise move! Keep reading…


If the thoughts that we are meditating on do not measure up to the standard of God’s word and His conditions are not met, then just like spam email – the thought should be blocked.

It will take some practice and diligence to consistently block negative thoughts.  Because we have had years of practice not guarding our minds, it does not take much effort to think wrong thoughts. It may be a bit difficult at first, but if we resist the enemy (James 4:7), he will leave. Using the Word of God as our weapon is our most powerful reinforcement.

As a practice, we need to train ourselves to replace the lie of the enemy with the truth of God’s word.

For example, if a negative thought says “I can’t make it, I’m too weak”, the truth of God’s word says His grace is sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:9).

If a negative thought says “I’m confused, I can’t figure it out”, the truth of God’s word says He will direct your steps (Proverbs 3:5-6).

If a negative thought says “I am alone, no one understands”, the truth of God’s word says He will never leave your side, nor emotionally abandon you (Hebrews 13:5).


Once we have successfully blocked the thought, we have the option to delete it from our minds. We can literally make a decision to not think about it.

What we starve eventually dies. If we redirect our attention to thinking the way God wants us to think, that damaging thought will wither away.

The Word of the Lord reminds us in Deuteronomy 30:19 that we have a choice, and He urges us to make the right decision, and that is to choose life.

God gives us the free will to pick whatever it is that we want. It is imperative that we continually renew our minds in the word of God (Romans 12:2).

It is in this refreshing of the mind that we can gain the victory we need in our thought lives.


Like an unwanted email from a professional spammer, we have the option to unsubscribe from whatever it is in our lives that no longer serves us or our best interests.

That could be a toxic relationship that drains us emotionally, or it could be an activity or project that we should have never taken on in the first place.

It could be our own negative self-talk or our own self-doubt.

Often when we unsubscribe from an email list, the sender wants to know the reason why we have chosen to do so:

I no longer want to receive these emails, I did not request this email, this content is not what I expected or I’m receiving more emails than I expected” are just a few of the reasons to unsubscribe.

It is in this same way that we can opt-out of negative thinking and living.  Though we don’t have to justify our desire for healthier thoughts, some reasons could include: “We no longer want to meditate on the lies of the enemy. We did not request his torment. We are getting more stress than we bargained for, and it’s dragging us down. No more!”


Take a good look at your thought life the same way you do your inbox and make a decision:


That’s the beauty and power of choice!

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  • Writer's pictureLondin Angel Winters

Spiritual Detox: 5 Ways to Cleanse Your Mind and Spirit

Out With the Bad!

📷I’ve seen and heard of many people participating in different kinds of “lifestyle changes” and diets. One, in particular, is the detox.

Now, detoxing is designed to push all of the bad stuff out of your body as you put some sort of good stuff in its place. Typically, detoxing consists of one or a few specific things. Some detox regimens only allow people to juice and intake their nutrients by drinking them. There are some that only allow soups; I’ve even heard of a cayenne pepper detox, which has cayenne pepper, lemon juice, and a couple other things in it. I’ve even done a detox that required me to drink a protein shake, 3 times a day, while only eating one meal.

Again, the one thing they all have in common is that they regulate the body by causing it to get rid of toxins.

Does Our Spirit Need a Spiritual Detox, Too?

Speaking of a detox… what if we treated our spiritual bodies with a detox every now and again? I had this thought one day while scrolling through social media and seeing all of these diets and fads on display.

We partake in all kinds of diets, exercises, and detoxes to get this flesh right – what about what matters most, our spirits? Nope, I am definitely not implying that your physical health is not important. In fact, our Playbook tells us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Ghost. “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple o the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?” (1 Corinthians 6:19). But, I am saying that your spiritual health should be just as, if not more, important.

We must include spiritual health in that “self-care” that we rave so much about, right?

So, What’s The Play Call?

Often, we allow so much into our spirits without even realizing it. Spiritual toxins can be taken in by scrolling on social media, bad communication, no communication at all (and the thoughts that arise because of that), stressful environments (home, work, etc.), gossip, and all kinds of other ways. Just like we make it a point to release the “bad stuff” from our bodies, we must make a conscious effort to do the same for our spiritual health.

Here are a few tips to help you perform a spiritual detox:

Choose your method of detox. Just as removing certain things from our diets is necessary for a physical detox, the same is true spiritually. And, there are times when our spiritual detox becomes physical, such as fasting. Matthew 17:21 says that “Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.”Put more of the good stuff in. Read the Bible so that the Word of God can resonate in your spirit. So often, the things we see, hear, and take in around us affect our thoughts and attitude. Here are the ingredients for what to take in: “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Philippians 4:8It may seem as though this isn’t a factor, but unforgiveness affects our spirits. When we hold grudges, we hold onto strife and anger that we have no business harboring. Also, when we refuse to forgive others, it causes us to be ineligible for the forgiveness of God. “But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.” Mark 11:26 “Forbearing one another and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.” Colossians 3:13Prayer is to the spirit, as exercise is to the body. Prayer keeps you going and refreshed, and so our Playbook tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to, “Pray without ceasing.”Stay away from that bad stuff. The thing about a detox is that you cannot continue on with it forever. When the detox period is over, you’ve got to make a conscious effort to remain healthy. Our Playbook says in 1 Thessalonians 5:22 to “Abstain from all appearance of evil.” Toxic bondage is a choice – to which we must say “No!” “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” Galatians 5:1

So, exercise your spirit, properly nourish it, and let go of all the bad stuff. Detoxing is necessary for every aspect of our lives and it’s never too late to begin. Let’s start now!

  • Writer's pictureLondin Angel Winters

Take daily action to deal with life’s challenges. When a challenge seems too big to handle, sweeping it under the carpet often appears the easiest option. Also, ignoring the problem doesn’t make it go away; it allows both the problem and your anxiety to build. Instead, take things one small step at a time. That small step taken with courage and determination can go a long way to boosting your confidence and reminding you that you are not powerless. Boost your 2020 by taking adequate steps and proper action. I still remain your; "Monday Morning Motivator"....have a blessed week ahead! I Love my Mondays! Remy Daniels #illovemymondays #2020boost #mondaymorningmotivation #keepthegoal #focus #blessedweekahead - #regrann

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